Noiembrie, toamna
Nu știu cum sunteți voi, dar mie mi se pare că sărbătorile de Crăciun sunt împinse tot mai devreme în an. Și nu îmi place. Nu mă înțelegeți greșit, Crăciunul e sărbătoarea mea preferată. Dar cred că toate lucrurile au timpul lor, iar grăbirea oricărui proces fură din bucuria prezentului.
O nouă direcţie
Mai ştiţi când am spus că voi posta câte un articol în fiecare săptămână? Ei bine, după o pauză de doi ani, blogul revine cu o nouă direcție, vorbind despre stiluri de viață, reflecții personale, animale dar și sustenabilitate.
Conscious Christmas Gift ideas
For the past year, I've been trying to buy less from popular stores and more from local businesses. I love supporting Romanian artists and artisans, because I feel like they benefit from my money more than the already rich companies.…
Recipes for lazy people: Watermelon rind jam
When I was little, my grandma used to make watermelon rind jam all the time. To me, this is a pretty classic one. However, I've noticed that many people did not know that you can make jam not only out…
Cutia Taranului and why you should buy local
For years I kept hearing people talk about "local" produce but didn't give it much importance at the time. This was back when I had no idea what sustainability is and couldn't be bothered to care. To me, it seemed…
5 (More) Simple things you can do to live sustainably
A few weeks ago I wrote an article to get you started on the sustainability journey, about 5 very easy and free things you can do to have a positive impact on the environment. The ones I mentioned previously were…
Is wearing second-hand leather vegan?
This is always a touchy subject in the vegan community. Opinions are divided. Some swear off leather like it’s the devil, others are a little more loosey-goosey about wearing it. So… is wearing second-hand leather vegan? The answer depends greatly…
10 things I still do that are not sustainable
The imperfect side of sustainability is rarely portrayed on Social Media. So here are 10 things I do that are completely not sustainable.
How I got from Hyper Consumerism to Sustainability
Sustainability has nothing to do with looking good or being perfect. It's about choosing a sustainable option whenever you can, as much as you can.
5 Simple things you can do to live more sustainably
Five small habits you can change effortlessly (and for free) to live more sustainably and have a positive impact on the environment.
What does sustainability really mean?
Sustainable lifestyle, sustainable brands, sustainable food. We keep hearing these over and over but does anyone know what they really mean? What is sustainability, really?